Friday, November 04, 2005

A SOX army of one: How to spearhead compliance efforts

While many of you have undergone the rigors of meeting compliance requirements for Sarbanes-Oxley, some of you are new to the role, or are associated with companies that are just going public and have not previously been subject to this legislation. For those of you lucky enough to have drawn the assignment, the task may seem quite daunting. However, there are a few steps you might want to consider that could help slice sizeable task into manageable servings.

For starters, you'll likely be driving this effort on your own. I have yet to encounter an organization that has a staff dedicated solely to the purpose of SOX compliance. I know of a few organizations that may have a person dedicated to it, but most companies either reassign existing personnel or simply add the associated tasks to existing personnel – with the latter being the more common option.

See full Article.