You’ve just focused your attention on the why and how of putting together your disaster preparedness plans so that you can be ready for a potential weather, terrorist, or some other business threatening situation. Now… How can you make sure that everything has been considered?
Let’s first think about how we developed our action plan. We tried to consider all the potential situations that might occur, how they might affect our business, and then we made some prioritized choices about protecting, storing, and recovering our records or other vital functions of our business. We may have made a conscious choice not to do everything that we might do, but we did it knowing all the potential inputs and consequences. Or did we?
Let us share with you one last thinking process for doing a double check on your plans and scenarios. The normal way we develop alternatives and checklists (to which we respond) is to ask the question, “what”? In other words, what would we do if we had no power for 5 days? What would we do if we lost Email capability for 3 days? If we had no employees for a week?
See full Press Release.