Leading the Way is a column written by PricewaterhouseCoopers professional staff. It appears in the Business section of the Bangkok Post twice each month. The column provides specialised advice to corporate decision-makers in Thailand on global and local business trends.
City leaders will be pleased that 60% of the world's population will be living in cities by 2030. However, emerging trends and challenges will force them to reinvent their cities to secure sustainable urban growth. Despite unique identities, geographic spread and differing economies, cities all over the world are being tested by the same mega trends. These trends create both opportunities and threats, so the strategic agenda of tomorrow is a unique interpretation of them, and their impact on cities. One such trend is globalisation. As the global economy is becoming truly integrated, there is a simultaneous global and local focus known as ''glocalisation''. This occurs when global companies and economies work in local competition, but within global structures.
A second trend is individualism, which is an increasingly important social trend. It impacts the dialogue between the city and its citizens. The third trend is merging, in which many areas of life merge together in new ways: work and leisure, culture and values, public and private sectors in public private partnerships. Acceleration, the fourth trend, is one in which speed is increasing in all areas of life, often driven by information and communications technology.
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