Wednesday, June 06, 2007

UN Communication on Progress (COP)

One of the explicit commitments that a company makes when it participates in the Global Compact is to produce an annual COP. A COP is a communication to stakeholders (consumers, employees, organized labour, shareholders, media, government…) on the progress the company has made in implementing the ten principles in their business activities and, where appropriate, supporting UN goals through partnerships.

The COP is expected annually of all participating companies, and must be shared publicly with stakeholders - through annual financial, sustainability or other prominent public reports, in print or on the participant’s website. Companies failing to communicate progress will be labeled “non-communicating” on this website. Should a participant fail to submit a COP for two years, that participant would be labeled “inactive” on the Global Compact website.

The purpose of the COP requirement is both to ensure and deepen the commitment of Global Compact participants and to safeguard the integrity of the initiative. It also aims to create a rich repository of corporate practices that serves as basis for learning and continuous performance improvement.

See full Details.