Saturday, July 14, 2007

Executives warm to carbon reductions

When BSkyB decided in January 2006 to become the first media company to become carbon neutral, it went about implementing the policy with typical single-mindedness. Within five months, it had hit the target - the satellite broadcaster now uses 100 per cent renewable electricity for all BSkyB-owned UK sites and has involved all its departments, staff and suppliers in reducing carbon emissions.

James Murdoch, chief executive, saw the policy as part of a push to educate customers about ways of reducing their impact on the environment, as well as showing its values were in tune with their concerns. The importance of this leadership role has been recognised with a "big tick" for BSkyB in this year's Business in the Community (BITC) awards for excellence where the leading theme is climate change.

The consequences of the satellite broadcaster's move went much further, however, when Rupert Murdoch, the 75-year-old chairman and chief executive of News Corporation, announced that the rest of his media empire would follow the example set by his son and heir apparent at BSkyB.

See full Article (paid subscription required).