Saturday, July 14, 2007

Going Green Saves Money. How Much Is the Question

If you switched all the light bulbs in your home from conventional incandescents to compact fluorescent light bulbs, or CFLs, you'd save about $250 in one year. Not bad for making an easy "green" upgrade, right?

If the dwindling polar bear population and receding glaciers don't move you to hug a tree, what would compel you to buy more energy-efficient lights? Well, if you're reading chances are you do care about your bottom line. So for those skeptical environmentalists who aren't shopping for yurts or spending Sunday afternoons composting in their yards, making some green home upgrades is a way to actually spend money to save money. Switching to CFLs, for one, is money in your pocket. (As a bonus, they consume less energy, and the polar bears will thank you.)

There's an endless amount of information out there touting the environmental benefits of going green. But part of the reluctance to actually doing so stems from the painstaking financial gymnastics involved in figuring out if it's really worth it. Short answer: It is worth it. For some things. But it depends. Long answer to follow.

See full Article.