California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is on a snake oil sales tour. To much fanfare, the Governator is traveling the country promoting his "California model" for fighting global warming. But he is an emperor without clothes, his vaunted California model an illusion.
Late last year, Mr. Schwarzenegger became the first prominent state executive to discover that "doing something" — or being seen to be "doing something" — about global warming makes for great politics. His popularity went through the roof after he signed into law the Global Warming Solution Act, the nation's first binding greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.
At first, the immediate and favorable reaction from the public and press caught the governor off guard. After all, he had only signed a bill that had already been deliberated and passed by California's Democratic-controlled legislature. Mr. Schwarzenegger, ever the consummate politician, quickly caught on, and soon made climate change his signature issue. He has since managed to remain in the public spotlight preaching to fellow governors the virtues of this scheme.
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