Given the high growth and the size of this economy, any sensitivity that Chinese consumers may have to the environmental impact of their consumption decisions is very good news.
Hopefully, they will not follow in the steps of the western consumer who went on his merry consumption way without any regard for his effects on the environment and, now that this issue is front and center, want to persuade poorer consumers around the world to focus on this issue, even at the expense of their welfare.
Even though the potential negative impact from third world consumers can be important, this problem has been caused by rich countries and by rich country consumers and it is they who need to find a solution, both by reducing their harmful per capita consumption and by incentivising the poorer countries and the poorer consumers with financial compensation!
Onésimo Alvarez-Moro
See article:
About 67% of Chinese consumers prefer to purchase products and services from a company with a strong environmental reputation, while only 42% of U.S. consumers concurred, according to a new survey released by Tandberg.
Other countries that ranked high include Australia with 52%, Sweden at 46% and Japan with 40%. Spain trailed behind with only 18% of its consumers preferring to purchase from environmentally friendly organizations.
The global survey, sponsored by Tandberg and conducted by Ipsos MORI, is reportedly one of the largest research projects undertaken to assess the importance of corporate environmental reputations to consumers. The Tandberg survey interviewed 16,823 consumers in 15 countries including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the United States.
See full Article.