Saturday, November 17, 2007

Climate may change in public opinion

In the past few months, there has been a flurry of activity in the “green investments” arena. In August, Credit Suisse unveiled its Global Warming Index, with HSBC throwing its hat into the ring just weeks later with its Climate Change Index. Both innovative devices allow investors direct plays on the stocks of companies that should, in principle, benefit from the altered climatic conditions that seem to surround us these days. While Credit Suisse has chosen to select a basket of 40 firms, HSBC has opted for a larger selection of 300 names, with both indices focusing on renewable and alternative energies.

Should investors pay heed and punt on those companies bent on making millions out of the new weather realities? The easy answer would seem to be yes, definitely. Few would nowadays doubt that climate change is not only a reality, but a severe problem that needs to be tackled with the utmost urgency, thus significantly enhancing future demand for things like ethanol or wind turbines. And there is the ethical kicker to boot. By betting on the health of green companies, you would not only be destined to reap millions but also contribute to the clean-up of the planet. Who could resist that?

See full Article (paid subscription required).