Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lifeline for millions is a valuable asset class

When the Progesar Foundation microfinance office offered to lend her 4,000 pesos at an interest rate of 5 per cent per month, Nilda Peralta could hardly believe her luck. "It seemed there was a trick because the rate they were charging was so low," says the 57-year-old Argentine shopkeeper. "If I had borrowed from the money lenders I would have had to pay 28 per cent."

The money has allowed Ms Peralta to rent a small kiosk in a street just off the main square at Garín, a down-at-heel industrial town about 45 minutes from Buenos Aires. From there she sells everything from biscuits, cigarettes and soft drinks to nappies, sticks of glue and Chinese-made Power Ranger dolls, carefully noting down each transaction in a ragged- looking exercise book.

See full Article (paid subscription required).