Saturday, November 10, 2007

Consumers Want More Than Green Promises From Companies: Report

Companies face a backlash if they cast a green smokescreen without any action, according to a new consumer report by branding and marketing agency BBMG.

The emergence of the "conscious consumer" is raising expectations for companies to take concrete action to mitigate any impact on the environment, the BBMG Conscious Consumer Report found.

The research comes amid an increasing onslaught of company announcements touting green credentials and goals. A study released last month suggests consumers were becoming weary of companies that seemed to use green attributes as a marketing ploy.

BBMG cautioned companies to take heed.

"In a world of green clutter, conscious consumers expect companies to do more than make eco-friendly claims," said BBMG Founding Partner Raphael Bemporad. "They demand transparency and accountability across every level of business practice. Avoiding the green trap means authentically backing your words with socially responsible actions."

See full Article.