Tuesday, December 25, 2007

CSR: A Stepping Stone in Regional Markets

A Botswana entrepreneur, inspired to make his continent a safer and cleaner place, is using his South–South connections to expand his waste sanitation business.

My story started when I had the opportunity to go and study in the United States. It was very different from the environment that I was used to in Africa. I decided that I really wanted to venture into a business where I could contribute in a small way to make Africa a cleaner and safer place.

The company was founded in 2000. We offer services in solid waste management, medical waste management and waste-water treatment. Wave has branch offices around Botswana and an office in South Africa. We have started exporting our medical waste management service to South Africa and hope to expand to Mozambique soon.

Botswana declared 2005 a year of drought and so we aimed to design a product that would conserve limited water resources. We are proud that within eight months, we designed, tested and launched a grey water recycling system for homes, hotels and hostels. We hope to market our exciting product to arid environments around the world.

See full Article.