Yet another survey telling us that people answer in favour of the surprise there.
Unfortunately, as we see in the table, the actions do not follow the pretty words and the pretty intentions.
Onésimo Alvarez-Moro
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In the never ending cycle of green paradoxes, many consumers say they would pay more for green technology, but the VCs have slowed their investments there. Granted consumers were talking about home electronics and the VCs referred to alternative energy, but it still shows how market forces aren't suddenly going to solve our climate problems.
A survey released this week by Forrester Research found that 12 percent of Americans would pay more for consumer electronics that use less energy or were made by a company with a positive environmental image. An additional 41 percent are concerned by the environment but not sure they would pay extra for a green computer. That still leaves 47 percent who don't really care. But it stands to reason that those who are willing to pay more for green products are probably the ones with the most buying power.
In contrast, a recent column in The Nation highlighted how the investment community is losing interest in green technology in favor of private security and defense companies.
See full Article.