Thursday, April 10, 2008

Going Green in Australia’s Blue Mountains

Lying under a thick patchwork quilt, breathing in the fresh mountain air, I felt like a true eco-traveler as I listened reverently to a morning medley of nature streaming through my window: the chirping of a cockatoo, the scuffle of a passing lizard, the rustling of leaves ... and then, from the room next door, the shrill, piercing voice of my travel companion shouting, “There’s a huge spider in my duffel bag! Get me out of here!”

Dashing into the living room, I found my friend — call him the ultimate urbanite — standing on the couch, staring down at what was, in fact, a fairly large spider crawling across the floor of the cabin. I suspected he was having second thoughts about joining me on this “environmentally friendly” trip — a first for both of us. Before he left New York, his image of a green vacation consisted of drinking mojitos after a seaweed wrap by an infinity pool, not fighting crawly things the size of a baseball mitt in the Australian bush.

See full Article.