Thursday, April 10, 2008

OECD Forum 2008 - Climate Change, Growth, Stability

When: 3-4 June, 2008
Where: OECD Conference Centre, Paris, France

OECD Forum: The "must-go" event on today's international agenda

The OECD Forum is a "multi-stakeholder summit" which brings together business and labour leaders, civil society personalities, government ministers and leaders of international organisations to discuss the hottest issues on the international agenda. It takes place in conjunction with the annual OECD ministerial summit.
Forum speakers are usually at the level of Minister or CEO. Forum 2007 attracted approximately 1600 participants from 100 countries, including 150 journalists.

Doris Leuthard, Switzerland's Federal Councillor for Economic Affairs, will report to the OECD ministerial summit on the Forum 2008 discussions.

The OECD Forum team is very grateful to the Government of Japan for its generous support for OECD Forum 2008.

See full Details.