Monday, April 07, 2008

In Europe, Women Finding More Seats at the Table

As the homeland of strong female figures, from former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland to the character Nora in “A Doll’s House,” Norway seemed the natural place for a law requiring companies to fill 40 percent of corporate board seats with women by 2008.

The country has met the goal since the law’s passage in 2003, in part through the efforts of people like Elin Hurvenes, the founder of the Professional Board Forum, which helps women meet the institutional and wealthy investors who have a say when it comes to picking Norway’s boards.

Some companies have embraced the change. Domstein, a seafood company that never had a woman on its board, named Hanne Refsholt, the chief executive of Norway’s largest cooperative dairy, as its chairman.

See full Article.