Friday, April 18, 2008

Pontiff 'ashamed' of clergy sex abuse

If the Pope were really ashamed he wouldn´t have those running his church in the US still in their posts. Those are the ones that moved their criminals around from parish to parish in order to avoid taking responsibility, with the additional scandal that these continued in their criminal activities with new unsuspecting children.

And the US is not the only country where the Pope´s priests are running wild.

Less talk of shame and more action!

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro

See article:
Pope arrives for first U.S. visit, vows to keep pedophiles out of priesthood.

Pope Benedict XVI arrived Tuesday in the United States to a presidential handshake and enthusiastic cheering, a warm welcome that followed the pontiff's candid admission hours earlier that he is "deeply ashamed" of the clergy sex abuse scandal that has rocked the American church.

On his first papal trip to the U.S., Benedict gave hundreds of spectators a two-handed wave as he stepped off a special Alitalia airliner that brought him from Rome. Students from a local Catholic school screamed ecstatically when they saw the pontiff, who shook hands with President Bush, first lady Laura Bush and their daughter Jenna on the tarmac. The pope and Bush left in a motorcade a few minutes later.

See full Article.