Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ten Warning Signs of a Toxic Boss

We've all heard stories about the nightmare of working for a toxic boss. Some of us have even had the unique displeasure of doing so ourselves.

Red flags to such behavior often appear as early as the interview process. We've compiled 10 warning signs of a toxic boss. Watch for them in the interview and you might be able to avoid a negative work environment -- or at least know what you're in for:
  1. Disrespectful Behavior.
  2. Visual Cues.
  3. Defensive Body Language.
  4. Bad Attitude.
  5. Excessive Nervousness.
  6. Distrust of Others.
  7. Fear Used as a Motivator.
  8. Word Choice.
  9. Extreme Friendliness.
  10. Self-Absorption.

See full Article and explanations.