When: Tuesday 27 January, 2009
WhHere: London, UK
Companies face mounting expectations of their social and environmental behaviour, even as they confront the worst economic crisis in 80 years, participants at GlobeScan’s recent Salon1 discussing “CSR in the Economic Crisis” heard.
Some 60 CSR practitioners, experts, and researchers attended the event, held in GlobeScan’s London offices, on Tuesday 27 January. The evening was moderated by David Grayson, Professor of Corporate Responsibility, Cranfield University School of Management, and included a distinguished panel:
* Janet Blake, Head of Global CSR, BT
* Stefan Crets, General Manager of CSR, Toyota
* Rob Cameron, Chief Executive, Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International
* Mark Lee, Chief Executive, SustainAbility
* Chris Coulter, Vice President, GlobeScan
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