The Challenge: Increased Globalization
In today’s borderless marketplace, it is becoming more and more common for managers to have responsibilities that include teams in multiple countries, regions and even continents. Besides the obvious logistical and technical challenges this poses, there are also numerous people–related challenges. Fostering collaboration, aligning organizational objectives with departmental and individual objectives, and motivating others to perform is hard enough when you see the people you manage every day and speak a common language. When you don’t, the task can feel impossibly daunting.
Leadership Skill: The Ability to Manage Remotely
In a globalized business environment, leaders must learn the skills necessary to manage from afar. The most successful leaders understand that micro–managing employees is counterproductive. With a geographically dispersed workforce, it isn’t even an option. As such, global business leaders must have the ability to manage, develop and empower others to make business decisions that are not only sound but closely aligned with over–arching organizational goals.
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