Saturday, December 04, 2010

Second ICARUS Conference: Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation: Marginal Peoples and Environments

The Second ICARUS Conference will be held May 5-8, 2011

The 2011 conference theme is:

Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation: Marginal Peoples and Environments

Vulnerability and adaptation are key concepts in the social science literature on climate change. They have long inter-linked histories. Scholars of development, disaster management and mitigation, hunger, famine, and migration, and ecological systems have contributed insights on the meanings and drivers of vulnerability. Development of systematic ideas about adaptation continues to occur in a variety of fields – in both the ecological and the social sciences. The ways these writings are applicable to understanding and intervening in climate-related stresses, crises and responses remain vigorous arenas query and debate. In recent years there have been many calls (by IPCC, NSF, Stern Review and others) for greater social science engagement in climate research. ICARUS responds to these calls.

See Details.