Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Kroll Releases Top Ten Data Security Trends for 2011
The 2010 calendar year brought with it an onslaught of new regulatory requirements, technological advances and increased scrutiny in data privacy and security matters that have laid the groundwork for a significant shift in how businesses handle data security in the year ahead. Today, Kroll’s Fraud Solutions division has released its data security forecast for 2011, highlighting the key areas where businesses will see the most noteworthy changes with regard to new data security regulations, breach vulnerabilities and protective measures.
"There is no question that the events of 2010 will impact how organizations approach data security in 2011," said Brian Lapidus, chief operating officer for Kroll’s Fraud Solutions division. "Expected changes run the gamut from how organizations prepare for and respond to a breach to the types of breaches they will confront. Organizations can stay ahead of the curve by making sure that they are up to speed on the changing risks – from the top of the organization down."
See full Press Release.