Monday, June 27, 2011

The Future of Natural Gas

Event Summary
As the world economy attempts to balance burgeoning energy demand with lower carbon emissions, natural gas has become a central pillar of energy strategy in both the developed and developing world. Advances in exploration and production technology have led to newly abundant sources of “unconventional” natural gas in the United States, with implications for policymakers as they look to reduce dependence on imported oil, promote manufacturing and create jobs. Decisions by Germany and Japan to reduce their reliance on nuclear power also have major implications for the global gas market as governments and businesses look for alternative means of power generation. Sustained rapid economic expansion in emerging economies will continue to drive up demand for natural gas, while increased production capacity for liquefied natural gas production in Australasia and the Middle East is already changing the market dynamics of a resource that has historically relied on the politics of pipelines and proximity.

See full Details.