Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Gap pulls 'child labour' clothing

Nice to see their reaction, however, something clearly failed in their actions, rather than words. If they really believe what they say, it should not be exposed by the press!

Clearly workers in third world countries need livelihood and western business is an important contribution. We should also not impose western standards which only serve to price them out of the market and out of their jobs.

Better standards, improving standards and minimum standards should be the objective!

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro

See article:
Fashion chain Gap has withdrawn from sale children's clothing allegedly made using forced child labour in India.

A 10-year-old boy was filmed making clothes for Gap shops in the US and Europe as part of an investigation by the UK's Observer newspaper.

The boy told the Observer he had been sold to a factory owner by his family.

Gap, which has made commitments not to use child labour, said that only one item - a girl's smock blouse - was involved.

The boy said he had been working for four months without pay and would not be allowed to leave the job until the fee his family had received was repaid.

See full Article.