Monday, January 12, 2009

CIO Replies To CEO: 10 Reasons To Keep Me

Four weeks ago, CEO Jim wrote a performance-review letter to CIO Pat questioning whether Pat is in fact the right person for the job. As requested, Pat has written a response in which he lays out a 10-point plan for how he and the CEO can work together to use IT to enhance business value. Pat also tells his boss to stop threatening him and start supporting him.

Pat the CIO's full response can be found in this week's Global CIO column, and and you can see the letter from Jim the CEO that started the whole discussion here. Jim's big complaint is that Pat has failed to cut the maintenance portion of the IT budget from 80% to 60% in order to free up money for important new projects, and he's threatened to fire Pat unless he comes up with a plan to get that done. So from Pat's 10-point plan, here are two examples in which he offers a solution to the constant head-butting with the CFO, and advocates for a more-aggressive adoption of SaaS applications.

See full Article.